Aer (アエル Aeru?) is a young girl who runs a cafe named Parent originally in the town of Reflet. Later on, once her sister grows up and gets married, she moves to Brunhild to open up a secondary location.
Aer is a young woman wearing a waitress like uniform.
Aer first appears after Touya, Linze and Elze had completed their first Guild mission. She was introduced by Micah and wanted to have something new added to the Parent cafe's menu. She asked the group if they had any ideas or had tasted anything exotic.
Touya suggested ice cream, not knowing that it didn't exist in this world. After looking up a recipe with his Smartphone, he managed to make a batch with the ingredients and Linze's ice magic. The introduction of ice cream, and later the Roll Cake, soon made the Parent Cafe widely popular.
``I'm looking for something to add to the store's menu´´ - Aer. asking you and the twins Silhoueska a new dish for your store.
``Something light to eat, maybe a dessert, would be fine if it's popular with women´´ - Aer. after Touya asked him about the type of preferential dish for his menu.