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Daily Life, and Onward to Eashen (日々の暮らし、そしてイーシェンへ Hibi no Kurashi, soshite Īshen e?) is the eighth episode of the In Another World With My Smartphone anime.


Touya and the others return from the Kingdom of Mismede after successfully carrying out their assigned tasks; they arrive in the Belfast Mansion via [Gate]. They greet Laim, Lapis, and Cecile, with whom they bring gifts. Lapis quietly thanks Touya for sending them back with [Gate] first; their cover as maids would be blown if they took the usual way home. After resting for a bit from the recent events, Touya decides to take a bath.

However, when he enters the bathroom changing room, Touya finds all four girls in their underwear as they are about to bathe. Touya barely gets out a squeak in shock. They all scream in embarrassment, punching him. Hastily redressing themselves, the girls scold Touya, who kneels in apology. Elize does admit the fault does fall on them for not locking the door, though Yae adds it's equally his fault for not knocking. Touya meekly defends he thought they would have already used the bath while he was asleep, letting his eyes wander to their legs. Linze and Yumina ask if he's learned his lesson, to which he smiles silently. Yae demands he apologizes, to which Touya does.

The next day, Touya is working on a backyard project using [Modeling] on rubber and metal parts. Laim arrives, announcing the Duke has come to visit. The Duke doesn't have any pressing matters, so he decides to see how Touya is doing; he takes an interest in the project. Touya explains he is building something called a bicycle. The Duke asks for a bicycle, which Touya speculates should take him half an hour to make. Shortly afterward, the Duke tries out a blue frame bicycle, with Laim on standby to help him. The Duke falls over, but gets back up to try again. The girls arrive on the terrace, confused by sight.

Touya makes a pink bike for Elze and a sky-blue one for Linze. Elze falls over after trying, with Yae wanting a turn. Both see Touya helping Linze, with Yumina having mastered riding her cream-colored bike. Touya praises Yumina for being a fast learner, unintentionally upsetting Linze and Elze; Linze takes off alone while Elze takes her bike back from Yae. The sisters start trying to out-ride each other. Touya notes they got good really fast, to which Yumina says she doesn't know if she should thank or blame Touya. Yae quickly realizes that the girls are trying to get compliments from Touya. The Duke races past the girls, who end up crashing into the grass from being distracted. While Yae finally gets her turn, the Duke asks Touya to make a bike for Sue; he offers to pay for the material. Touya heads out immediately, much to Yae's sorrow.

Touya walks into town, musing Sue got her personality from her father. He walks up to an alley and hears a commotion; he sees two men leading a child down a corner. It turns out to be a petty dispute between small-time thieves; the kid was pickpocketing on the duo's turf and got too much attention. Touya steps in, quickly incapacitating the pair with rubber bullets. The kid thanks Touya, who tries lecturing, only to hear the poor child's stomach growl. After hearing the kid hasn't eaten in three days, he offers to buy a meal. Running up to Touya, the kid's hat falls off, revealing long hair; she's a girl. The girl gives her name as Renne.

At a park, Touya asks Renne about herself, learning she's orphaned (her father took a subjugation quest a year ago and never came back, and her mother died shortly after Renne was born). Touya offers to employ her at his home, which Renne agrees to; she promises never to steal again. Later, Renne is introduced to the rest of the household; she's now a maid in training, with Cecile in charge of teaching her. Touya is happy until Yae reminds him that he forgot to get the bicycle materials.

Sometime later, Yumina has Touya take her Kohaku and Sue to Mismede; Sue wanted to visit. Yumina thanks him, to which Touya says it's no problem, thanks to [Gate]. Sue wishes to ride her bike through town, but Touya doesn't want to stand out. Yumina quickly notices Arma Strand in the crowd, and they all greet her. Touya then catches Lyon and Olga not too far away; Yumina guesses it's a date. Much to Touya's frustration, Arma and Sue want to spy on them. Seeing Lyon fighting the urge to hold Olga's hand, Touya has to explain to the younger girls, though Yumina thinks it shouldn't be that hard.

Olga and Lyon enter a café, forcing the girls to stop short to avoid being seen. Sue asks if Touya can do something, which he can, but he doesn't want to invade their privacy. Arma adamantly states she's looking out for her sister. Sighing, Touya takes out his phone and uses [Long Sense] on the camera; it shows Lyon and Olga at their table. From the subtle hints in their conversation, it turns out both do like each other. Sue wishes she could go on a date, which Yumina says is too soon for her, adding that she's not been on one and she's engaged. Sue makes the silly suggestion they should go on one, to which Yumina tells her that it doesn't work like that. As Olga and Lyon leave the café, Arma bumps into a cloaked man, who turns out to be the King of Mismede.

At the marketplace later, the group watches Lyon and Olga talk from the shade of trees, now with the King with them. The King explains he goes out in secret sometimes to clear his head, though he's disappointed Lyon isn't bold with his feelings towards Olga. A moment later, some goons harass a fruit vendor. Lyon quickly steps in to scold them. The King wishes to help, but Touya isn't for it; they'll reveal they were spying. Spotting masks, they don them and help take out the goons. However, it is for naught as Lyon recognizes Touya's coat and Olga recognizes the King; the King gets away with [Accel], leaving Touya behind. Touya quickly turns the tables by telling Lyon that he's been too timid to act on his feelings for Olga, using reverse psychology to make the knight admit his earnest desire to date, Olga. Olga is flatter, accepting Lyon's affection. Arma, Yumina, and Sue come out of hiding, confusing the couple.

Touya and Yumina return to the Belfast Mansion via [Gate], where Liam tells him that a guest has arrived. Hearing squeaking, Touya sees Paula, wondering if it came from Mismede by itself. He then hears Leen from the next room, looking to find her with Charlotte. Touya quickly introduces Leen as an elder of the fairy tribe, adding she is way older than them (much to Leen's annoyance). Yumina is confused as Leen's wings are missing. Leen explains that she's hiding them with light magic to avoid drawing attention. Leen reveals that she's come to ask him about the crystal monster he destroyed some time ago.

Everyone has tea, with Linze and Elze surprised that a fairy doesn't look as cute as they thought; Leen clears her throat in annoyance. Leen reveals that a runner reported the sky "cracked" some days ago in a Mismede village; when she went to investigate with a platoon of soldiers, she discovered that nothing was left and the serpentine monster was responsible. She wanted to investigate, but heard rumors of how Touya beat a similar creature from Charlotte, who revealed Touya can use any magic he wishes; Charlotte explains Leen is her teacher. Leen shows him a drawing of the creature and says that Phrase is an ancient name; it applies to all similar glass creatures.

Leen informs Touya she was appointed Mismede's ambassador and will be staying in the Kingdom of Belfast, planning to visit him. She inquires about Touya's usage of [Gate]; learning is limited to where he's been, though Leen tells him [Recall] can allow him to see into another's memories to allow [Gate] to go to the places in the other person's memory. Leen wishes for Touya to take her far East to Eashen, where an ancient ruin is located. Charlotte explains Leen tends to act mainly on a whim. Yae is against having her memory seen by Touya, but is calmed when Leen explains the spell will only show memories she wishes to share.

Leen explains [Recall] works by the user and target clasping hands and touching their heads together. Linze and Elze are clearly jealous, while Yumina takes action in stride; she knows Touya doesn't see the action as romantic. On Leen's cue, Yae begins picturing Eashen; Touya uses [Recall] and sees the images. Charlotte promptly uses the moment to excuse herself to get away from Leen. Touya promptly opens a [Gate], taking himself, Yae, Linze, Elze, Kohaku, and Leen to Eashen.


Spells Used[]

Notable Places[]


Media Counterpart[]

Main article: Media Counterpart
Anime Light Novel Web Novel Manga
Season 1 Episode 8 Volume 2 Chapter II Arc 6 Chapter 49 Volume 5 Chapter 22
Episode 8 Chapter III Arc 7 Chapter 50 Chapter 23
Chapter 51 Chapter 23
Chapter 52
Chapter 53 Chapter 24
Episode 8 Chapter 54
Interlude I Nonexistent Nonexistent

Footnote: † - Partially Nonexistent - 50% or more storyline is missing.


  • Renne's family pendent doesn't appear in the anime.
  • In the LN, Renne steals Touya's wallet while in the anime, she doesn't.
  • Renne does not speak with a cockney accent in the anime.


  • This episode marks the second known attack by the Phrase since Touya's arrival in this world.


Media Publicization
Web Novel
Story Arc: 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7  •  8  •  9  •  10  •  11  •  12  •  13  •  14  •  15  •  16  •  17  •  18  •  19  •  20  •  21  •  22  •  23  •  24  •  25  •  26  •  27  •  28  •  29  •  30  •  31  •  32
Light Novel
Volume: 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7  •  8  •  9  •  10  •  11  •  12  •  13  •  14  •  15  •  16  •  17  •  18  •  19  •  20  •  21  •  22  •  23  •  24  •  25  •  26  •  27  •  28  •  29  •  30
Season 1: 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7  •  8  •  9  •  10  •  11  •  12
Season 2: 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7  •  8  •  9  •  10  •  11  •  12
Chapter: 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7  •  8  •  9  •  10  •  11  •  12  •  13  •  14  •  15  •  16  •  17  •  18  •  19  •  20  •  21  •  22  •  23  •  24  •  25  •  26  •  27  •  28  •  29  •  30  •  31  •  32  •  33  •  34  •  35  •  36  •  37  •  38  •  39  •  40  •  41  •  42  •  43  •  44  •  45  •  46  •  47  •  48  •  49  •  50  •  51  •  52  •  53  •  54  •  55  •  56  •  57  •  58  •  59  •  60  •  61  •  62  •  63  •  64  •  65  •  66  •  67  •  68  •  69  •  70  •  71  •  72  •  73  •  74  •  75  •  76  •  77  •  78  •  79
Volume: Vol. 1  •  Vol. 2  •  Vol. 3  •  Vol. 4  •  Vol. 5  •  Vol. 6  •  Vol. 7  •  Vol. 8  •  Vol. 9  •  Vol. 10  •  Vol. 11  •  Vol. 12  •  Vol. 13
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