Nore Siberia (ノルエ・シベリア Norue Shiberia?), formerly referred to as Norn Siberia (ノルン・シベリア Norun Shiberia?), is a former soldier of Mismede, and the younger sister of Garn, a commanding officer in the Mismedian Guard. She later becomes one of the Vice-Commanders of the Brunhild Knight Order, along with Nikola Strand .
Nore is a young wolf beastwoman (about Touya's age) with silver hair that reaches the middle of her chest. She is usually seen wearing a white shirt with a ribbon/bolo tie under a black dress.
Nore is shown to be a very social person. She responds well to orders. She doesn't mind small details due to her composed personality. This personality has also allowed her to easily control her own Frame Gear, Blue Moon
Like her brother, Norn uses dual swords
- While she was originally just known as Norn, Touya gives her the family name Siberia, after the wolf-like dog breed, the Siberian Husky. Later, When Touya and his group meet Norn Patolakshe, master of the Black Crown gollem Noire, she changes her name to Nore, to avoid confusion. The two Norns get along well.
- According to Nore, she altered her name to make it sound more similar to its root word, which is pronounced something like Norwen.