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Panties, and an Air Garden (ぱんつ、そして空中庭園 Pantsu, soshite Kūchū Teien?) is the eleventh episode of the In Another World With My Smartphone anime.


Touya, Kuroyou, and Sango arrive at the unknown location after activating the mysterious platform, only to discover a young girl approaching him. As he goes to greet them, he finds that she is only wearing clothes from the waist up and only underwear from the waist down, which significantly stuns him. She introduces herself as Francesca, but prefers Cesca. He begs her to put on something, trying to trick himself into thinking she's wearing a swimsuit; it doesn't work. Cesca relents, pulling out a skirt; Touya shouts she should have worn it from the start. As Cesca puts on her skirt, she asks if Touya will try something; with his back to her, Touya begs her just to put on the skirt.

With that insanity over, Touya follows Cesca to a fountain in the garden. Touya asks Cesca to confirm their location; she explains that the Garden of Babylon floats in the sky. Cesca leads him to the top floor to see out the dome; it's nothing but clouds outside. Touya wonders what the purpose of the Garden is, to which Cesca explains it was created by Professor Regina Babylon as a hobby; Regina was also Cesca's "creator".

Kokuyou and Sango note that there is no life energy in Cesca. Cesca explains she was created to be the Garsen's control terminal 5092 years ago. Touya thinks Cesca is a robot then, explaining that she has some organic parts made by magic. When Touya comments, Cesca looks normal; she bluntly explains that while she can't reproduce, she is still capable of intercourse; Touya tells her it's not necessary information. Cesca tells him she's still in mint condition if he changes his mind. Touya inquires why the Garden and Cesca herself are still functioning after 50 centuries; surely something would wear down. Cesca explains that everything, including her, was reinforced with magic to prevent decay. Cesca herself was not activated until Touya arrived.

Cesca asks his name; upon getting it, she tells Touya he has been deemed compatible, making him the owner of the Garden and Cesca herself. Still confused, Touya asks how he is compatible. Cesca explains only some with an affinity for all elements can use the teleportation to the Garden, a failsafe Regina added. Touya thinks this was the test, but Cesca confirms that the panty debacle upon his arrival was the test; Touya could have done three things: assault Cesca, do nothing, or tell her to cover herself. If the first happened, she would have literally tossed him out, and as for the second, she would politely escort him back. Cesca explains Regina devised this to make sure someone kind and considerate would be chosen.

From the weird test alone, Touya thinks Regina must have had a few screws loose; Cesca doesn't deny the Professor was "off", but the final judgment fell to her. Cesca notes Touya is a closet pervert with good self-control, making him better than who could come by next. Touya quickly defends that he is not a pervert and has confidence in himself. Cesca ignores the outburst, telling Touya now that the formalities are over, she truly is now his possession. Sighing, Touya gets the feeling things are about to get more complicated than they already are, unintentionally making the cliché jinx.

Back at the Eashen beach, the girls are still waiting for Touya. They chase a crab on the beach until a wave knocks it into Charlotte's bosom. Linze and Yae note that they didn't have that kind of trouble with their suits, minus some sand; Yae thinks they need to squeeze their breasts closer together when wearing their suits to keep that from happening. Yumina wonders what they are talking about, to which Elze tells her it's nothing they'll have to worry about. Leen notices that Charlotte is still there, wondering why she's still there when she has work to do back in Belfast. Charlotte quickly leaves. Linze worries about Touya; Leen assumes that since he isn't back, things are going well (even someone without interest in archeology would be impressed with stuff they find in ruins.) A [Gate] opens, and Touya pops his head out

Everyone enters the Garden through the [Gate]. They are in awe. Leen notices its architecture is similar to the ancient Partheno civilization. Touya wonders who they were. Leen explains they were an advanced society with many magic spells and magical devices like the artifacts to use them; the Garden counts as an artifact. Cesca's presence is revealed; Leen wonders if she's another woman for his group. Touya denies it, explaining Cesca is in charge of the Garden. Cesca explains Touya owns the Garden and is her master. When asked to define "master", Cesca says he's her husband; Touya corrects her, saying "proprietor". Linze wonders what this means. Cesca poorly words her little test, saying she offered herself to him. The girls are mortified, with Touya becoming hysterical from Cesca messing with him.

An upset Linze demands Touya kneel in front of her. Linze recalls when he walked in on the four of them in the bathroom, now this incident; she demands to know how obsessed with panties he is. Touya says it was an accident, which Linze considers looked at Cesca's purposefully. Linze then reveals she and Elze got matching bikinis because they hoped he would like them; she wonders if swimsuits and underwear are the same as him. To mess with Touya, Leen offers to show her panties, which makes Linze angrier. Leen tells Linze that Touya doesn't understand why she's angry; unless she clarifies why, Linze should just let Touya be. Leen tells all three girls they must be on the same footing as Yumina.

Yumina takes Linze, Elze, and Yae for a walk in the Garden, leaving Leen with Touya. Despite the trust Yumina has in the fairy, Yae, Elze, and Linze worry Leen will make things worse. Yumina reminded them of their conversation when they moved into the Belfast Mansion.


Yumina makes it known she is aware that Elze, Linze, and Yae love Touya just as much as she does. Elze always admired the dress Touya got her; Linze followed him to ensure and didn't go into naughty shops; Yae asked Touya to heal her more than Linze. Yumina tells them that she won't monopolize Touya, offering a polygamous marriage so they all can be Touya's wives. When the trio cannot speak, Yumina suggests that they continue as usual until later to see if anything has changed.

End flashback

Yumina asks about their feelings now, noting that they have become more conscious of Touya after becoming aware of their own love for him. Yumina reveals her observations of the others reacting to Touya: Linze's heart is always racing next to him; Elze's eyes follow him; Yae is nervous around him. Yumina once more offers to have a polygamous marriage with Touya. Elze, Linze, and Yae blush heavily. They quickly begin babbling and having wedding fantasies. Yumina sees it's just not time yet.

Elsewhere, Touya sits in a gazebo with Leen and Cesca. Leen is impressed to have found a remnant of an ancient civilization, though the fact nothing in the Garden has withered means magic is keeping it in good condition. Touya notes Regina Babylon must have been a genius to create it, "Although she was also a pervert who forced her sentient creations expose their undergarments." Touya asks Cesca if there is anything else besides the Garden there, to which she answers there is not; however, other pieces are floating around the world, with an android like Cesca in charge of each one. Cesca confirms Babylon was once whole, but broken into pieces.

The girls return from their walk, with Touya noticing they are blushing. Cesca continues; Babylon is protected by barriers that keep it from view. In total, there's the Sky Garden, Library, Research Lab, Workshop, Storehouse, Tower, Rampart, Alchemy Lab and Hangar. However, she doesn't know if any others still remain. Leen is interested in the library, which she believes holds ancient spells. Conversely, Touya believes it's nothing but porn based on what he knows about Regina Babylon. Yae wonders what he's talking about, to which Touya asks. She forgets he said that; based on Leen's knowing stare, it's likely Linze and Elze don't know what Touya is talking about either.

Leen wonders if Cesca can contact the others, which Cesca states cannot be done; she lost contact centuries ago. Linze suggests using Touya's phone to search, earning his gratitude and making her blush. It doesn't work. Yumina wonders if they're the first ever to arrive. Cesca explains someone entered 3208 years ago at the library and another 985 years ago at the Hangar. A dejected Leen realizes they have to find the other teleportation circles to get the other Babylons. Touya wonders if Cesca knows where they are, but she doesn't. Elze wonders why Babylon got split, to begin with. Cesca doesn't know, as Regina didn't tell her; Touya guessed Regina did it to tick people off.

The question now is what to do with Cesca. Cesca asks to stay with Touya, but starts going into a perverted monologue about joining him in the bath and bed. Linze is mortified, but Touya assures her that Cesca is just messing with them. Touya tries getting Cesca to stay behind, believing she needs to maintain the Garden; however, it's automated, and Cesca was offline till Touya arrived. Cesca explains that she must complete his registration; she French kisses him, much to the girls' horror. Cesca explains she recorded his genetic information. When questioned about why she did that, Cesca explains that it was easier to get a DNA sample, though sex was an option too.

Linze stares at Touya in anger; however, her frown softens into a loving gaze. Confessing her love, Linze kisses Touya causing Elze, Yumina, and Yae to shout in complete shock after witnessing Touya be kissed twice.


Spells Used

Notable Places


Media Counterpart

Main article: Media Counterpart
Anime Light Novel Web Novel Manga
Season 1 Episode 11 Volume 3 Chapter II Arc 9 Chapter 65 Volume 6 Chapter 30
Chapter 66

Footnote: † - Partially Nonexistent - 50% or more storyline is missing.



  • This episode shows the meeting that took place between Yumina, Elze, Linze, and Yae during Episode 6.
  • In Elze's imagination, she's being held by Touya on their wedding day (akin to the classic carry-over threshold moment), a subtle nod to her desire to be more feminine.


Media Publicization
Web Novel
Story Arc: 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7  •  8  •  9  •  10  •  11  •  12  •  13  •  14  •  15  •  16  •  17  •  18  •  19  •  20  •  21  •  22  •  23  •  24  •  25  •  26  •  27  •  28  •  29  •  30  •  31  •  32
Light Novel
Volume: 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7  •  8  •  9  •  10  •  11  •  12  •  13  •  14  •  15  •  16  •  17  •  18  •  19  •  20  •  21  •  22  •  23  •  24  •  25  •  26  •  27  •  28  •  29  •  30
Season 1: 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7  •  8  •  9  •  10  •  11  •  12
Season 2: 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7  •  8  •  9  •  10  •  11  •  12
Chapter: 1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7  •  8  •  9  •  10  •  11  •  12  •  13  •  14  •  15  •  16  •  17  •  18  •  19  •  20  •  21  •  22  •  23  •  24  •  25  •  26  •  27  •  28  •  29  •  30  •  31  •  32  •  33  •  34  •  35  •  36  •  37  •  38  •  39  •  40  •  41  •  42  •  43  •  44  •  45  •  46  •  47  •  48  •  49  •  50  •  51  •  52  •  53  •  54  •  55  •  56  •  57  •  58  •  59  •  60  •  61  •  62  •  63  •  64  •  65  •  66  •  67  •  68  •  69  •  70  •  71  •  72  •  73  •  74  •  75  •  76  •  77  •  78  •  79
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