In Another World With My Smartphone Wiki
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Sister From Another World and a Sparkling First Love (異世界の姉、そして初恋キラキラ。 Isekai no Ane, Soshite Hatsukoi Kirakira.?) is the eleventh episode of the second season of In Another World With My Smartphone anime.


Inside the Hangar of Babylon, Monica does her maintenance duties on the Night Baron, a Commander Type Frame Gear as Touya customizes one on his Smartphone. After he completes his customizations, Touya asks Monica to implement them and immediately gets a telepathic message from Kohaku concerning a visitor claiming to be his older sister. As it turns out, the person was the God of Love.

Afterward, the God of Love introduces herself to Touya's fiancées' as his older sister, Karen. Touya's fiancées buy Karen's lie as factual and are pleased that she reunited with Touya. They all then leave the two, allowing Touya to ask why Karen was there in the first place. Her response was because Touya was surrounded by "Love", it had essentially refreshed her body and spirit. Hence it was a great idea to soak up such positivity by staying close to Touya, which annoys him.

Lapis then interrupts their conversation and informs them that people from the Knight Kingdom of Lestia have arrived. Touya was ignorant of the place, and Karen details where he rescued Hilde from. Learning from Lapis that their Lestia guests are down in the training grounds, Touya and Karen find Hilde there with her Grandfather Galen.

After Galen formally introduces himself to Touya, he explains that he's there to thank him for Touya's Phrase Sword gift and to sightsee Brunhild. However, Galen gets into a bit of a scene when he cops a feel of Lapis' behind, earning him a rebuke from Hilde. Once that was settled, Galen asked to see Touya's Frame Gears, and he gave his guests a Frame Gear demonstration, with Monica piloting one of them. Touya then informs Galen about the eventual Phrase invasion and his hopes in using the Phrases against them. This prompts Galen to determine if his kingdom would want their own Frame Gear, which means joining an alliance with Touya. However, he'd have to first discuss the matter with his son, the current king of Lestia, but he's sure to agree to it. Galen and Touya then shake on the deal, and Hilde intervenes, asking to face off against the strongest warrior in his country.

Later, Hilde sparred against Yae, ending in a draw. Hilde was astonished to learn that Touya had six fiancées leaving her to feel despondent. Karen then appears and claims that Hilde has feelings for Touya making her flustered. Yae explains how she can relate to Hilde's feelings and suggests that Hilde become engaged to Touya too. To Touya's dismay, she agrees, and then Galen challenges her to duel him for his acceptance of the marriage proposal.

Eventually, Hilde meets with Touya's other fiancées, who accept her as one of them, and under pressure from Karen, elaborates how she fell in love with Touya. Soon afterward, Hilde fights against his granddaughter, and when it appears she's losing, Touya cheats by using his smartphone to cast Mirage. This allows Hilde to win the duel, but Touya gets a scornful look from his fiancées because of his interference.

Afterward, Hilde asks the fiancées about Touya's parents, but they have no clue who they are, as Touya never talks about them. Karen intersects herself into the conversation, giving a blatant excuse as to why he doesn't talk about them, then explains the personal information surrounding him. Although Kohaku tries to telepathically warn Touya about Karen's misdeed; however, she blocks the connection.


Notable Places[]



Media Counterpart[]

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Disc: Blu-ray/DVD 1  •  Blu-ray/DVD 2  •  Blu-ray/DVD 3  •  Blu-ray/DVD 4